فرهنگ مصرف کننده، فرهنگ مصرفی
Color is also part of the language of consumer culture.
Children's films, or films targeted toward children, particularly animated films, are constructed around and negotiated within capitalist consumer culture, intricately weaving commodities and consumption with fairy-tale lands and utopian spaces.
Are such subtle but visually significant changes in the cinematic landscape of childhood then replicated in children's consumer culture?
Colour itself circulates as a type of commodity and the 'information' contained within Starbucks green, for instance, is easily read by its target audience."22 Color use in film is artistically strategic but also a tactic in the context of the consumer culture through which the film is received.
The cultural production of color association is only "one mechanism for creating [brand] logos that are recognizable and evoke positive brand and/ or corporate images" in relation to products that promise to deliver a return to the childhood adventure on the big screen.47 In a consumer culture, that production of color becomes persuasively entwined with the ideologically coded desire for eternal youth.،Artists have also mined the iconography of brands and logos to comment on consumer culture.
Yet at the same time, the painting is an affectionate homage to packaging and ad design, and to a consumer culture that values familiarity and convenience.
The comic-book reference is both an affectionate homage to the form and a means of critiquing consumer culture and its false promises and stereotypes.
With the emergence of a visual consumer culture, philosophers and writers described the figure of the flaneur: a man who strolls the streets of cities such as Paris and St.
Friedberg notes that theories of film spectatorship can help us to understand the broader function of spatial, mobile practices of looking in the gendered consumer culture of the city.
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